Reset Button!

You are in Realm #5 Change to Realm:1 2 3 4
picture from

A project by Christopher Thomas Nicodemus.
Instructions: Just enter a nick name (or leave it blank), and then hit the reset button whenever you want!
How it works: It uses MySQL to store the resets in a database and PHP for the page generation. Then AJAX is used for showing the updated time. The comic to the left is from, it gave me the idea for this project. Complete source code below.
Site Updated: 2014-11-26 fixes for PEAR
Site Updated: 2023-01-16 Fixed the "RESET" button, it will work when clicked now! Fixed spacing when years are included in time output.

It has been 4 years, 286 days, 15 hours, 16 minutes and 57 seconds since someone reset this sign.